So when I first started making crepe paper flowers, my mum asked me to make her an orchid plant. I looked at the pattern and thought “Sure – how hard could it be??”
Well… I tell ya, I hashed it big time. At that point, I didn’t understand how to make the crepe paper work for me.. I didn’t know or care about different wire weights – had no idea what to use to add colour and, shaping was a mystery… A bunch of materials ended up in the bin and I totally lost my confidence.
I allowed that one setback to scare me off trying again, and almost gave up making paper flowers completely. That Orchid seemed big and scary, almost like a nemesis.. But… I didn’t let it beat me. My failed attempt was kept as a reminder that I will get more experience and that I will improve
Well…. its been a couple of years since that failed attempt, but I finally felt like I had improved with my craft enough to tackle it again. Brave enough to try.
There are a few imperfections sure, but you know what? Nature is imperfect. so my little ‘glitches’ make my flower perfectly imperfect 🙂
I have to say, I’m kinda proud of myself 🙂